FAQs: Personalised materials and branded assets

1. I'm looking for a design to promote my fundraising event or service.
The Make section of the be.Macmillan website contains a variety of different materials for promoting fundraising events or services. Please browse this section, filtering either by product type (e.g. posters invitations, etc.), or by use (e.g. service promotion, fundraising) to find the materials most suitable for your needs. You can also use the search box to search for key words.

2. I am having problems uploading a logo to my Make product.
Any logos you use will look best with the two following conditions:

- For your logo to display at an optimum size please ensure that it is tightly cropped i.e. it has the absolute minimum amount of white space surrounding it. The system will resize your logo to fit into the space provided but will include any background featured in the image.
- Your logo should have at least 300 dpi and in the JPEG format (.jpg) to display and print well.

If your logo is not suitable it will not upload.

3. I'd like to add more than one logo to a Make item.
Only one logo can be uploaded to co-brandable Make items. If you need more than one logo, please join them into one image before uploading but bear in mind they are likely display at a significantly smaller size.

4. I haven't received an e-mail containing a link to the downloadable item I created.
This should be sent to you straight away. If it does not arrive, please check your spam to see if it's been directed there.

If your Make order was successful, this will also be able to be found in your “Make order history” (https://be.macmillan.org.uk/be/makeorders.aspx).

5. I would like to cancel a Make print order.
Please make sure you are completely happy with your Make print order before you click “Place order”, as your order will begin to be produced immediately.

If you do want to cancel an order, however, please email be.mac@macmillan.org.uk as soon as possible so that we can try to cancel it. When requesting this please provide the relevant job number, which can be found via your “Make order history” (https://be.macmillan.org.uk/be/makeorders.aspx).

6. I’m looking for the Macmillan logo and other brand assets.
We do not offer our Macmillan logo or other brand assets externally. The full suite of Make promotional materials is available to help promote your event, with each product having been carefully designed to showcase our brand in the best way. Our team of experts at the Macmillan Supporter Care Hub are also available to help you, and can be contacted via fundraising@macmillan.org.uk.

If you’re an approved designer working on a commissioned project for Macmillan, everything you need will be accessible via The Library.

Want to make or order something?