PDF only booklets

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We have taken the difficult decision to reduce the number of our information booklets we make available in print. Once the current stock of these titles run out they won’t be reprinted.

These booklets will remain available as PDF resources, which will be updated when a new edition is available. The information in these booklets is also available on our website. We’re working to improve our PDFs, and are rolling out fully interactive versions with clickable hyperlinks. These are more accessible than our old PDFs. We hope you find them an improvement.

In the hope of providing sufficient notice of which titles are affected by this decision we have compiled a list of all the resources which will only be available as PDFs. We ask that you are mindful of the quantities of these resources that you order while they are still available, to help us keep these booklets in stock for as long as possible.
More booklets will be added to this page when they become PDF-only.

If you need information in another language or format, please visit our website to find out what is available. To feedback on any of our Cancer Information publications please contact informationproductionteam@macmillan.org.uk. You can always get help and support on our website

Diabetes and cancer treatment
Diabetes and cancer treatment
Having tests for prostate cancer
Having tests for prostate cancer
Heart health and cancer treatment
Heart health and cancer treatment
Understanding anal cancer
Understanding anal cancer
Understanding chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Understanding chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
Understanding histology independent therapies (HITs)
Understanding Hodgkin lymphoma
Understanding Hodgkin lymphoma
Understanding secondary cancer of the liver
Understanding secondary cancer of the liver
Understanding testicular cancer
Understanding testicular cancer
Work Support Route Guide
Work Support Route Guide

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